For all the brands you love.
PerkD - Loyalty & Reward Cards
A CRM Loyalty & Multi-Channel Sales Apps to increase sales; improve customer retention & satisfaction while reducing operating expenditure.

Why PerkD?
Virtual Member Card
It is a membership App that will build the merchant’s customer base. Improve your branding by acquiring more members to buy their products or use their services.
Reward Stamping System
It increases customers’ repeated purchases through rewards systems. Build your customers' loyalty towards your brand that will lead to sales growth.
e-Voucher Redemption
It can produce vouchers for redemption or product sampling which customers can redeem in-store or through vending machines.
Get More Store Visits
It shows all merchant’s store or vending machine locations that enable the customers to locate and purchase from the nearest purchasing points. This provides convenience.
M-commerce & Online Payment
It enables customers to purchase online (Mcommerce) of merchants products over the App. This provides convenience to customers that they can purchase anywhere and anytime at their fingertips.
Build Life-Time Value Customers
It enables customers to purchase credits (store value) in the member's card issued by merchants in the App to spend and buy the merchant’s product either in-store; at the vending machine or online.

Lead to More Sales Growth
Increase repeated purchases & run member-exclusive promotion
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Life-time Value Customers
Attract new customers & build customer loyalty
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Climb the Ladder to Success
Always one step ahead & be the market leader
Diam vestibulum tristique non purus velit dictum vel aliquam id egestas odio tortor volutpat nulla varius aliquam vulputate commodo mus volutpat pretium, quam hendrerit enim aliquam nisl imperdiet vivamus a, consectetur venenatis vivamus quam in vulputate lacus, lacus nec.